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Our journey

Mintlaw ROV attended the MATE ROV Regional Competition in 2013 as Subsea Technical Services (STS) and placed 1st getting the opportunity to compete in the MATE ROV International Final in Washington. Following our success in 2013, we competed in the 2014 Regionals only to succeed once again and reach the International Final in Michigan. 


The team entirely changed for the 2016 competition as the previous members had left the Academy to pursue their careers meaning all new team members and a new outlook on underwater technology. We decided to try something different from other teams' PVC pipe designs and make something more elegant and compact. Perseus was born, leading the way for our current team's inspiration.


After reaching Texas in 2016, a new team designed a new frame with more advanced technology, they decided to make it as functional as possible and accepted it make take some time, these members of the team left the Academy in 2019 leaving a full frame and pressure vessel along with a scope of ideas. It is now our current team who took this project into our own hands with help from our mentor, Ali Hynd. When we started the project in the Autumn of 2019 as first-year students, we all had limited knowledge and experience of engineering. We had a lunchtime or two per week of looking at different aspects of the vehicle. Learning and working on different aspects, we started to gain a bit of momentum with the project until the Covid-19 Pandemic hit the UK in late March of 2020.


Finally, in the Autumn of 2021, when the ban on extra-curricular clubs had been lifted in Scottish schools, we could get back to work. We then realised we had a large governing factor; The existing frame. There were very few provisions for components such as exterior cameras so we put in approximately 1,224 total hours to get our vehicle operational. This is the vehicle many images on this site show as that has been a large part of this project for us.


With more time and a fresh perspective, this year, we aim to build something exceptional.




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