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Our Values

We believe sustainability should be a cost-effective option.

Our values as a team revolve around being economical with our resources and efficient with our time. Using only the highest quality and reliable components along with manufacturing the majority of parts ourselves on-site gives durable results which are inevitably better for the environment. We recycle components from previous projects wherever possible without compromising on safety or efficiency.

We have laid out some values that are close to us as individuals and help us understand how to operate better as a team.

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Ensure not only success in competitions but also personal success in becoming the best we can be in all aspects along with helping others achieve the same. 

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Use our knowledge and lessons from the project to inspire and promote engineering and equality to ALL. 

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Always aspire to push ourselves to new heights. Never be afraid to progress our skillset and design and never give up trying.  


Meet The Team

We are currently looking for support from companies!

If you are interested in what we do, contact us, and consider sponsoring to become part of our journey
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